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Gender, Natural Resources, Climate, and Peace | |
Issue #1 – March 21, 2019 |
AnnouncementsLaunch of Gender, Natural Resources, Climate, and Peace Newsletter March 20, 2019 Welcome to the Community of Practice on Gender, Natural Resources, Climate and Peace!Seeking Active Members for the Gender Interest Group February 24, 2019 The Environmental Peacebuilding Association is excited to announce the development of a Gender Interest Group! |
EventsFirst International Conference on Environmental Peacebuilding October 23, 2019 - 2019-10-25 Environmental Peacebuilding Association University of California, Irvine The Environmental Peacebuilding Association is proud to announce that the First International Conference on Environmental Peacebuilding will be held October 23-25, 2019 at the University of California Irvine.Warfare, Environment, Social Inequality, and Pro-Sociability Biennial Conference May 23, 2019 - 2019-05-25 Winthrop University and James Madison University Seville, Spain For over a millennia, warfare, environmental degradation, and social inequality have brought much suffering to humankind.Women Leading Nonviolent Movements March 22, 2019 United States Institute of Peace Washington, D.C. Women have often been the invisible actors in history—sidelined from formal political and social spaces—but creating their own spaces for change through engaging in nonviolent resistance. |
LibraryIn the past month, 37 new publications were added to our online library of materials on gender, natural resources, climate, and peace. Here is a sampling of the new additions: January 1, 2019 The Joint Project “Promoting Gender-Responsive Approaches to Natural Resource Management for Peace” was the first pilot project established by the global Joint Programme on Women, Natural Resources and Peace, which aims to promote…The Gendered Nature of Ecosystem Services January 1, 2019 | M. Fortnam et al. This article assesses the extent to which our conceptualisation, understanding and empirical analysis of ecosystem services are inherently gendered; in other words, how they might be biased and unbalanced in terms of their…Bringing Rights into Resilience: Revealing Complexities of Climate Risks and Social Conflict January 1, 2018 | Jonathan Ensor, John Forrester, and Nilufar Matin Marginalisation and exclusion are expressed in social conflict and are determinative in distributing risk and resilience.January 1, 2018 | Celine Salcedo-La Vina and Laura Notess This working paper finds that, despite constitutional commitments to gender equality, governments in Tanzania and Mozambique are not protecting poor, rural women from harmful commercial land deals.Shifting Social Norms in the Economy for Women’s Economic Empowerment January 1, 2018 | Nisha Singh, Anam Parvez Butt, and Claudia Canepa In early 2017, The SEEP Network and Oxfam’s Women’s Economic Empowerment (WEE) in Agriculture Knowledge Hub partnered to facilitate a Practitioner Learning Group (PLG) on “Shifting Social Norms in the Economy to Create…Gender Equality as an Accelerator for Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals January 1, 2018 | Esuna Dugarova Evidence collected in this paper shows that gender equality is critical to achieving a wide range of objectives pertaining to sustainable development, from promoting economic growth and labour productivity, to reducing poverty and…January 1, 2018 Women who seek justice are confronted by a complex landscape of laws, systems and institutions.Gender and the Role of Women in Colombia's Peace Process January 1, 2017 | Virginia M. Bouvier Through desk research, literature review, and personal interviews, this paper provides an overview of the Colombian internal armed conflict and the peace process currently underway to transform it. |
JobsPlease visit our jobs page to view these positions and other job opportunities. Occupied Palestine: Junior EU Aid Volunteer in Gender March 19, 2019 | Gruppo di Volontariato Civile The EU Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council establishing the European Voluntary Humanitarian Aid Corps – EU Aid Volunteers and related legislation create a framework for joint contributions from European volunteers…March 19, 2019 | World Vision The Somali Resilience Programme (SomReP) is a consortium of seven international non-governmental organizations (INGO). SomReP works to enhance the resilience of chronically vulnerable households, communities and systems across Somalia/land. |
International NewsIn the past month, 6 international news items on gender, natural resources, climate, and peace were posted on our website. The following is a sampling: Myanmar: Chinese Company behind Controversial Copper Mine Eyes Additional 100k Acres December 3, 2018 | Zarni Mann, Irrawaddy Local concerns over the environmental impacts and potential for land confiscation in the Latpadaung copper mining area are rising again with the submission of an application by a Chinese mining company to carry…Colombia: Deforestation Is Unexpected Result of Peace in Colombia December 3, 2018 | Stony Brook University War can have devastating effects on nature, but what happens in times of peace?Afghanistan: Farmers Harvest More Saffron This Year November 30, 2018 | Haidarshah Omid, TOLOnews Amid arrival of saffron harvest season, the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock (MAIL) said farmers have harvested three tons more saffron compared with the last year.Sudan: Sudan’s East Darfur Embracing Shared Natural Resource Management to Curb Conflict November 30, 2018 | UN Environment As in many parts of western Sudan, Ismail and other East Darfur residents have for decades lived in a fragile environment characterized by climatic variability and periods of shortage.Syria: Syria Refineries Raise Health Concerns November 26, 2018 | Voice of America, Sirwan Kajjo and Zana Omer In the northeastern corner of Syria, the large oil fields have one common theme: makeshift oil refineries. The refining process involves an ad hoc oil burner and large containers with crude oil.Myanmar: Returning Refugees Face Uncertainty in Eastern Myanmar Settlement November 24, 2018 | Steve Sandford, Voice of America Black diesel smoke belches from a rusty engine that pumps water to the relatively new eastern Myanmar town of Lay Kay Kaw, about 5 kilometers from a local reservoir.Iraq: Blaming the Rain for Iraq’s Corruption November 11, 2018 | Arab Weekly Iraq, like many Arab countries, is plagued by rampant corruption at nearly all levels of government. |
Blogs & OpinionIn the past month, 8 blogs & opinion pieces on gender, natural resources, climate, and peace were posted on our website. Here is a sampling: Managing Our Resources: Women, Mining and Conflict in the Asia–Pacific March 20, 2019 | Alison Davidian The extraction and exploitation of oil and mineral deposits have become increasingly possible across Asia and the Pacific.Protecting Women's Rights in Iraq Affects the Whole Population March 10, 2019 | Nazli Tarzi What Iraq needs is a state-driven campaign that raise awareness and legislation that protects and encourages greater participation of women in the workforce.Why Research on Gender and Conflict Matters March 8, 2019 | Robert Malley Last October, Ethiopia appointed its first woman president, the only female leader of an African state today. In many national parliaments, from Mexico to Rwanda, women now match or outnumber men.Land Is Power: How Land Rights Can Enfranchise Liberia's Women March 8, 2019 | Loretta Alethea Pope Kai Liberia is in the throes of finalising one of Africa’s most progressive land rights laws but its potential will be thwarted if women are excluded.Women Are 'on the Front Lines' of Defending Land March 8, 2019 | Barbara Fraser When gold miners operating illegally near her farm in southern Colombia fouled the stream where she watered her cows, Mary Alis Ramírez tried to have them evicted. Then the threats began.'Balance For Better' Does Little to Address Issues Facing Women March 8, 2019 | Rosie Urbanovich International Women’s Day had radical roots: at the turn of the 20th century, thousands of women came together to protest dismal working conditions, long hours, and poverty pay.The Transformative Potential of Women in Water Resource Management March 7, 2019 | Callum Clench Water sits at the heart of our world and is a central tenet across the breadth of all the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).December 14, 2018 A Regional Gender Study completed in 2018 has shown that many countries in Southeast Asia are not adequately integrating gender considerations into their national policies for fisheries and coastal resource management. |
Compiled by Charlotte Collins, Marlotte de Jong, Sahara Khan, Nina Hamilton, Maya Sandel, and Ann Williamson Edited by Isabelle Morley Coordinated by Sierra Killian Designed by Graham Campbell Managed and published by Silja Halle and Carl Bruch |
© 2025 Environmental Peacebuilding Association, UN Environment, UNDP, UN Women, and UN Peacebuilding Support Office. All rights reserved. |