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Gender, Natural Resources, Climate, and Peace | |
Issue #9 – November 21, 2019 |
EventsFor more upcoming events on gender, natural resources, climate, and peace, please visit our online calendar of events. Gender Equality in Nordic Peace and Mediation Efforts: Norms and Practice December 5, 2019 Peace Research Institute Oslo Oslo, Norway This talk will focus on models for studying norm contestation in world society, and then illustrates the model's use with reference to three case studies including fundamental rights, torture prohibition and sexual violence prohibition.…Verve Think Tank: Gender and Climate Change November 27, 2019 VERVE Think Tanks Nottingham, UK Why the climate crisis is a feminist issue. . . and what you can do about it.November 24, 2019 Women in Banking and Finance London, UK Join us for a business breakfast event on the topic of gender balance - is this a governance issue which should be as prominent as environmental risk in the UK’s new Stewardship Code? |
LibraryIn the past month, 21 new publications were added to our online library of materials on gender, natural resources, climate, and peace. Here is a sampling of the new additions: Women Peace and Security Report of the Secretary-General January 1, 2019 The present report is submitted pursuant to the presidential statement dated 26 October 2010 (S/PRST/2010/22), in which the Security Council requested annual reports on the implementation of its resolution 1325 (2000), and resolution…January 1, 2019 | Jillian J. Foster, Allison McGrath, and Sarah Littisha Jansen Protection issues are multi-dimensional in Somalia and Somaliland. Vulnerability is as much about physical violence as it is about drought and chronic food insecurity.ASEAN's Transformative Journey: Role of Women in Peace and Security January 1, 2019 | Noeleen Heyzer ASEAN has embarked on exploring how to implement the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) agenda in the region. |
JobsPlease visit our jobs page to view these positions and other job opportunities. Washington DC: Gender Programme Officer November 21, 2019 | International Union for Conservation of Nature BackgroundWith a comprehensive rights-based framework underpinning its conservation and sustainable development efforts, IUCN recognises that protecting and promoting women’s rights and advancing gender equality, including through women’s empowerment, are not only globally agreed… |
International NewsIn the past month, 19 international news items on gender, natural resources, climate, and peace were posted on our website. The following is a sampling: Why Legal Principles on War and Environment Matter August 20, 2019 | UN Environment On 8 July 2019 the International Law Commission adopted 28 draft legal principles on first reading to enhance protection of the environment before, during and after armed conflicts.August 12, 2019 | Jamie Gongora, Conversation Colombia is the second most biodiverse country in the world with more than 56,000 recorded species, some 9,000 of which are unique.Afghanistan: Illegal Mining Reduces Lapis Lazuli Prices in Afghanistan: Study July 30, 2019 | Tamim Hamid, TOLOnews An investigation by TOLOnews reveals that lapis lazuli prices have reduced unprecedently times due to illegal mining in one of the main deposits of the mineral resource in the northeastern province of Badakhshan. |
Blogs & OpinionIn the past month, 32 blogs & opinion pieces on gender, natural resources, climate, and peace were posted on our website. Here is a sampling: How Feminist Research Can Help Confront the Climate Crisis November 11, 2019 | Maria Tanyag Humanity is now at a point where we can no longer afford to examine climate-related risks and their impacts on humans independent of other ecosystems, or to treat risks to food insecurity and…New Challenges for Women's Land Rights in Africa November 11, 2019 | Hosaena Ghebru A new wave of gender-related land reforms has swept across Africa south of the Sahara in recent years.Gender Equality in African Agriculture: An Innovation Imperative November 5, 2019 | Wanjiru Kamau-Rutenberg President Barack Obama once highlighted the importance of leveraging the talents of Africa’s women using the analogy of a football match. |
Compiled by Jasmine Chen, Charlotte Collins, Desirée De Haven, and Adrienne Derstine Edited by Marie Mavrikios Coordinated by Sierra Killian Designed by Graham Campbell Managed and published by Silja Halle and Carl Bruch |
© 2025 Environmental Peacebuilding Association, UN Environment, UNDP, UN Women, and UN Peacebuilding Support Office. All rights reserved. |