• Women Walking in Guinea


Women, Peace, and Security in the Time of COVID-19

Mar 3, 2022 | Simmons University International Relations Department
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This hour-long guest lecture will feature three activists and academics working to address women’s experiences with violence in the United States and globally during the pandemic. We will be joined by Cynthia Enloe, Mariya Taher, Nesha Abiraj, and Adela Raz.

Our guest speakers will start the event by each giving a 10-minute presentation on their work and how they have seen COVID-19 impact gender-based violence and women’s experiences with violence globally. These presentations will be followed by a 30-minute Panel Session where the speakers will have the opportunity to answer student questions about their work and experiences.

Located at Simmons Main College Campus Building, Room A-151

Who Simmons University International Relations Department

When 3-March-2022

Where Simmons Main College Campus Building