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A Feminist Take on Nuclear Weapons in Germany

Jan 18, 2023 - Jan 18, 2023 | CFFP and ICAN
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An estimated 20 US nuclear warheads remain at Büchel Air base in Germany. Hopes have been high among feminist civil society that with the new government’s committment to a Feminist Foreign Policy, and with a Green feminist minister, whose party has a long history in advocating for Global Zero, Germany would drive international nuclear disarmament and start a process of becoming a nuclear-free state. However, with the Russian war in Ukraine, the nuclear discourse has intensified across Europe. For the first time, a majority of the German population is in favor of nuclear weapons, a shocking shift after previous surveys found 83% of the population being against nuclear weapons.

And yet, in particular now, more than ever, it is important to keep fighting for a nuclear-free world. To highlight the humanitarian and ecological consequences of producing, testing and using nuclear weapons. To create space to talk about possible steps towards a nuclear disarmament - because a Feminist Foreign Policy asks for nothing less.