• Women Walking in Guinea


Supporting Women in Afghanistan's Social, Political & Humanitarian Spheres

Jul 10, 2023 | Women for Peace & Participation
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In collaboration with Women for Peace and Participation (WPP) and the Afghan Women’s Coalition for Change (AWCC), the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Women, Peace, and Security (APPG WPS) is organising a high-level public event to spotlight the challenges and opportunities for women’s participation and leadership within Afghanistan.

As we approach the upcoming October anniversary of Security Council Resolution 1325, supporting key recommendations on Afghan women’s leadership, their participation in Afghanistan's decision-making, and the international community's adoption of these is critical. This event will delve into the discourse around Afghan women's involvement in socio-political and humanitarian processes, discussions, and decisions. It will underline the main challenges and feasible, lasting support mechanisms for protecting women who choose to participate and engage in present-day Afghanistan.

Moreover, the event will emphasize the role of member states, international civil society, and allies in aiding women to become integral to mainstream decisions that shape the country's future and its people.