• Women Walking in Guinea


Atmospheres of Violence: Conflict, Gender and Environmental Rights

Mar 10, 2020 | The British Academy
London, UK
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The global demand for natural resources causes environmental damage on an unprecedented scale. This demand in turn fuels armed conflict as activists - often women and girls - take on visible and vocal roles as environmental defenders to protect ecosystems and empower their communities. As more defenders risk violence and death, there are growing calls for states and international organisations to draft gender sensitive laws and policies more closely aligned to the lived experiences of women in conflict and conflict-affected situations. Join our panel as they discuss atmospheres of violence across Africa, Asia and Latin America, the relationship between economic demand, conflict, gender and environmental rights and the action policymakers urgently need to take to protect defenders.

As part of the event we will be displaying photographic prints that depict the aftermath of violence, ‘slow violence’ and acts of resistance in Bangladesh, Cambodia and Brazil. The images are by human rights defenders in most cases and were originally displayed at an ‘Atmospheres of Violence’ exhibition at the ONCA Gallery in Brighton in November 2019.

Who: The British Academy

Where: London, UK

When: 10 March 2020