Gender Integration into National Climate Actions. Regional Workshop, MENA
Oct 14, 2020
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Under the enhanced Lima work programme on gender and its gender action plan (Decision 3/CP.25); Parties and relevant organizations were requested to submit their inputs on the topic of lessons learned among Parties that have integrated gender into national climate policies, plans, strategies and action, as appropriate (e.g. information on results, impacts and main challenges), and on the actions that Parties are taking to mainstream gender in any updates thereto, as appropriate (Activity D.6).
The objective of the regional virtual workshops is to:
- Share relevant case studies, examples and lessons learned on the results, impacts and main challenges that Parties face in the integration of gender into national climate policies, plans, strategies and action, as appropriate;
- Provide an opportunity for interaction between Parties with knowledge gaps and challenges, and those Parties and entities that have overcome those challenges.
Where: Online
When: 14 October 2020 Time: 02:00 PM CEST