• Climate Change


Afghanistan: Findings on Education, Environment, Gender, Health, Livelihood and Water and Sanitation

Publisher: Chr. Michelsen Institute

Author(s): Holger Munsch, Daud Saba, Sadiqa Basiri, Merete Taksdal, Sarah Grey, Richard Ellert

Date: 2005

Topics: Basic Services, Gender, Livelihoods, Renewable Resources

Countries: Afghanistan

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The Chr Michelsen Institute (CMI) (Lead agency), Copenhagen Development Consultants (Copenhagen DC) and the German Association of Development Consultants (AGEG) undertook during 2005 a multi-donor evaluation of the emergency and reconstruction aid that had been provided to Afghanistan between 2001 to early 2005, on behalf of Denmark, Ireland, the Netherlands, Sweden and the United Kingdom.


The fieldwork for the evaluation was undertaken in Afghanistan during March and April 2005, with smaller teams visiting different Afghan regions in addition to interviews made in the capitol Kabul.  This included studies of the main sectors supported by the five donors, being education, health, livelihoods and water and sanitation, and two studies of cross cutting issues, being gender and environment.