• Climate Change


Women and Natural Resources: Unlocking the Peacebuilding Potential

Publisher: UN Environment, UNDP, UN Women, and UN Peacebuilding Support Office

Author(s): Silja Halle, Adrienne Stork and Cassidy Travis

Date: 2013

Topics: Conflict Prevention, Dispute Resolution/Mediation, Extractive Resources, Gender, Land, Livelihoods, Peace and Security Operations, Protection and Access to Justice, Renewable Resources

Countries: Afghanistan, Burundi, Congo (DRC), Cote d'Ivoire, Indonesia, Liberia, Nepal, Palestine, Papua New Guinea, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Uganda

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This report focuses on the relationship between women and natural resources in conflict-affected settings, and discusses how the management of natural resources can be used to enhance women’s engagement and empowerment in peacebuilding processes. Part I of the report examines the relationship between women and natural resources in peacebuilding contexts, reviewing key issues across three main categories of resources: land, renewable and extractive resources. Part II discusses entry points for peacebuilding practitioners to address risks and opportunities related to women and natural resource management, focusing on political participation, protection and economic empowerment.


Por Espanol [https://postconflict.unep.ch/publications/UNEP_UN-Women_PBSO_UNDP_gender_NRM_peacebuilding_report_ES.pdf]