• Climate Change


Gender-Based Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Strategies Among Smallholder Farmers in Northern Ghana: What Lessons for Nationally-appropriate Mitigation Actions Exist? (Chapter in "Climate Change and Sub-Saharan Africa")

Publisher: Vernon Press

Author(s): Joseph Amikuzuno, John K. M. Kuwornu, and Damba, T. Osman

Date: 2019

Topics: Assessment, Climate Change, Gender, Governance, Livelihoods

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If the Food and Agriculture Organization's (FAO's) evidence that women produce over 70% of sub-Saharan Africa's food is true, then targeting women during agriculture-related research, technology development and diffusion is highly appropriate. To achieve this, it is important to recognize that compared to men, women farmers have unequal access to productive resources. But, under climate change when productive resources such as fertile soils and water may become increasingly scarce, the adoption of resilient, yield-enhancing technologies for farming productivity improvements is crucial.