• Climate Change


Resettlement Post Conflict: Risk and Protective Factors and Resilience Among Women in Northern Uganda

Publisher: International Social Work

Author(s): Joanne N Corbin and J Camille Hall

Date: 2018

Topics: Conflict Causes, Gender, Land, Livelihoods, Protection and Access to Justice

Countries: Uganda

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Approximately 1.8 million people were displaced in northern Uganda as a result of the LRA conflict. This paper explores risk and protective factors as well as examples of resilience among women in northern Uganda resettling after armed conflict and internal displacement. The risk and resilience ecological framework is used to identify and understand these factors along the multiple levels of the ecological social system. Risk factors included poor health, loss of instrumental and emotional support networks, and land vulnerability. Protective factors included engagement in livelihood and sociocultural activities with others. Resilience was located in the women’s coping and maintenance of family and social relationships