• Climate Change


Gendered Constraints for Adopting Climate-Smart Agriculture Amongst Smallholder Ethiopian Women Farmers

Publisher: Scientific African

Author(s): Meseret Tsige Abebe, Gry Synnevåg, and Aune Jens Bernt

Date: 2024

Topics: Economic Recovery, Gender, Land, Livelihoods

Countries: Ethiopia

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Although Climate-smart agriculture (CSA) can offer economic and food security opportunities for women farmers, success in the uptake of these technologies is contested by gendered constraints. Previous studies that use the household head as a unit of analysis to explain adoption patterns do not adequately demonstrate the extent to which women smallholders are restricted by gendered constraints. This study uses 344 women and men survey respondents involved in conservation agriculture (CA) and small-scale irrigation schemes (SSIS) as data sources for examining the effect of gendered constraints for adopting climate-smart agriculture amongst women in three areas in Ethiopia. Qualitative and quantitative data collections were applied using survey, in-depth interviews and focus group discussions.