• Climate Change


Accountable to Whom? Promoting Women's Rights through Extractive Industries Revenue Accountability

Publisher: Oxfam

Author(s): Namalie Jayasinghe Mirna, Jiménez de la Rosa, Maritza Ruiz, Tamara Billima-Mulenga, and Mwiinga Cheelo

Date: 2019

Topics: Extractive Resources, Gender

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Oxfam believes that extractive revenues—if communities have been duly consulted about extractive projects—should be used to fund important social programs that can lift people out of poverty and improve the economic development of countries. Social accountability initiatives can be a critical tool for galvanizing reform efforts aimed at ensuring that revenues from extractive industries (EI) respond to communities’ needs. Yet despite the potential for EI revenues to strengthen women’s rights and promote gender equality through investment in targeted programs and services, social accountability has been largely silent on women and women’s rights.