• Climate Change


The Implications of Climate Change for Mediation and Peace Processes

Publisher: UN Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs

Date: 2022

Topics: Climate Change, Conflict Causes, Dispute Resolution/Mediation, Gender, Governance, Peace Agreements, Renewable Resources

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This Practice Note identifies practical suggestions for addressing the effects of climate change in mediation processes, including by leveraging climate policy frameworks and climate finance during peace processes and agreement implementation. It proposes considerations applicable from the preparation and negotiation phases to the design and implementation of a peace agreement. Crucially, it also provides guidance on where mediation teams can find the support necessary to design and undertake the proposed actions.

The Note draws on emerging work in this area as well as on experience in more established domains, such as the mediation of conflicts related to natural resources. It aims to encourage further thinking and experimentation, and to contribute to an iterative process of building a body of knowledge on mediation and climate change.

The Note forms part of broader efforts undertaken by the UN Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs to promote inclusive, climate-informed peacemaking through awareness-raising within and beyond the UN sys- tem, capacity-building, and deeper partnerships with climate and environmental experts. It also builds on existing work on climate, peace and security, including the UN Climate Security Mechanism’s reference documents, and is designed to be read in conjunction with other guidance materials on mediation