• Climate Change


Advancing Gender Equality and Climate Action: A Practical Guide to Setting Targets and Monitoring Progress

Publisher: Climate and Development Knowledge Network, Overseas Development Institute, SNV, CARE, and Mercy Corps

Author(s): Mairi Dupar and Patricia Velasco

Date: 2022

Topics: Climate Change, Gender, Land, Livelihoods, Programming

Countries: Cambodia, Ecuador, Malawi, Nigeria, Tanzania

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Gender inequalities shape people’s vulnerabilities to climate change. Women have less access to the development services and support – such as adequate healthcare, education and modern technology – that make people more resilient to climate change and other shocks and stressors. Women’s unequal access to resources, their disproportionate responsibility for care of dependents (typically unpaid), and the insecurity and precariousness of their paid labour all contribute to the feminisation of poverty and women’s heightened vulnerability to climate hazards. Climate change is a multiplier of existing vulnerabilities and threatens to reverse hard-earned development gains for all people, and particularly for women.