The Geopolitics of Green Colonialism: Eco-Feminist Perspectives from Africa
Publisher: Pluto Press
Author(s): Zo Randriamaro
Date: 2024
Topics: Assessment, Gender, Governance
This chapter unpacks the African debates on eco-feminism and looks at its contemporary concepts and practices which are rooted in the African context. It explores the ways in which they are shaping transformative pathways towards a new Pan-African decolonising movement from below that fully embraces Afro-feminist politics, and in this sense, frame multi- dimensional alternatives to hegemonic and unjust transitions. The chapter also shows how this eco-feminist movement builds on an African philosophy such as Ubuntu to offer a living alternative and a different future, centred upon collective solidarity and sharing between peoples, together with truly sustainable modes of living in harmony with Nature. The first part of the chapter explores the roots, current concepts and practices of African eco-feminisms, including their struggle against the new wave of green extractivism; the second part discusses some of the major African ecofeminist strands of thought and political agendas. The last part focuses on the African worldviews and values enshrined in the Ubuntu philosophy and how they underpin contemporary African eco-feminist movements struggling for just, equitable and sustainable alternatives to the dominant neoliberal and extractivist development system.