Additional Call for Glossary Contributions
Dec 17, 2024
Environmental Peacebuilding Association
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We are following up on our earlier announcement to invite contributions to the Glossary of Environmental Peacebuilding Terms. This time, we are encouraging more mid- to senior-level professionals to contribute. Your experience and mentorship will be invaluable to supporting early-career scholars and practitioners involved in this initiative.
For each entry in the Glossary, contributors will provide a definition and explain its relevance to environmental peacebuilding. We expect each entry to be around 500 words (approximately one page).
To sign up for any remaining terms, please visit the following document: Sign-Up Document for Glossary on Environmental Peacebuilding Terms. Please type your name beside the terms you are interested in contributing to. Additionally, if you would like to nominate someone as a contributor for a term that aligns with their expertise, you may write “Nominating [Name]”.
Please note:
- You can sign up for a maximum of 5 terms.
- No more than 3 contributors per term.
- Only add your name or a nominee’s name; please do not delete or edit terms.
- This is our working list of glossary terms, and we cannot guarantee that every term will be included. Editors retain the prerogative to make decisions regarding inclusion and necessary edits.
Contributors will be acknowledged and cited below the term(s) they worked on.
We encourage you to share this opportunity with colleagues to foster collaboration across disciplines and geographies.
If you have any questions, please contact