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Enrollment for Limited-Capacity Sessions at the Third International Conference on Environmental Peacebuilding (OPEN NOW)

Apr 12, 2024 | Environmental Peacebuilding Association
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Enrollment in limited-capacity sessions is now open! 

The vast majority of sessions at the Third International Conference on Environmental Peacebuilding are open to all to attend.  For some sessions -- notably, training sessions, site visits, two lunches, and two other sessions -- space is limited, and prior enrollment is required.  Enrollment is limited to those participants who have completed their registration, including payment of the conference registration fee.

To enroll:

  • Before you enroll, please check out the sessions and make your decision regarding which events you would like to enroll in.  The online agenda here (https://www.environmentalpeacebuilding.org/conferences/3rd-international-conference/agenda/) has the abstracts for most of the limited-capacity sessions.
  • Please go to https://www.environmentalpeacebuilding.org/conferences/3rd-international-conference/sessionregistration/
  • Enter your unique code (which the EnPAx Secretariat has sent you (if you have completed registration) /will send you (when you do complete registration))
  • Select your choice(s).  Please note (1) when selecting training(s) and/or site visits, be sure that there is no conflict among the events you select, and (2) to ensure that as many people as possible have access to these limited-capacity sessions, people can select only one of the sessions during 19-21 June (i.e., funders’ panel, women’s leadership lunch, author’s lunch, and resume review workshop).  If a desired session is not available, that means that it has filled.
  • Submit

We encourage you to enroll as soon as you can, so you can get your first (or second) choice.  We expect that some sessions will fill quickly!

If you have any questions or difficulties, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at conference@environmentalpeacebuilding.org.

* Once a week, we send out conference-related announcements via a Conference google group.  If you are not on the Conference google group and would like to be, please email conference@environmentalpeacebuilding.org.