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Seeking Translation Assistance for Environmental Peacebuilding Glossary of Terms and Concepts

Nov 19, 2024 | Environmental Peacebuilding Association

The Environmental Peacebuilding Association (EnPAx) is leading the development of an Environmental Peacebuilding Glossary of Terms and Concepts.  The Glossary will be published by Routledge, with the manuscript being submitted in 2025. 


To make the Glossary more accessible and broadly useful, EnPAx is seeking pro bono translation assistance.  In particular, EnPAx is seeking people who can help:

  • Translate the key terms for inclusion in an annex.  There will be an estimated 120-140 terms.
  • We are seeking translation of the term itself (i.e., 1-3 words for each term, not the longer description).
  • In some instances, terms may be difficult to translate.  There may be competing translations, or there be no good translation. In those instances, the translators may note the competing terms and their relative merits and limitations, or they may not translate.
  • We encourage teams of people (particularly with different disciplinary backgrounds) to translate the terms, as some terms may be from particular disciplines.
  • We expect translation will be done in February and March 2025.
  • Priority is placed on UN languages (French, Spanish, Arabic, Russian, and Chinese). There is also interest in other languages.
  • The work is pro bono.  Translators will be credited in the Glossary.


To express your interest, please send an email to bruch@eli.org with:

  • Your name
  • The language(s) into which you would like to translate terms (from English).
  • An indication of your proficiency in those languages (native, fluent, proficient, etc.).
  • Your disciplinary expertise.
  • Any considerations (timing, etc.).


If you have any questions, please contact bruch@eli.org.