• Climate Strike


International News

DRC: Developing Clean Energy Potential in the DRC

Africa Oil & Power

As global energy focus shifts towards renewables, in line with the Paris Climate Agreement, the Democratic Republic of the Congo is gaining traction as an…

Afghanistan: Kabul City: On the Brink of Water Shortage Crisis

Daily Outlook Afghanistan

The alarms and concerns over the water shortage crisis are repeatedly expressed or raised in Afghanistan, especially in Kabul city. Last week, the office of…

Pakistan: Action Against Hunger Is Helping Women in Pakistan Grow Saline Tolerant Crops

Gabby Lozano, Food Tank

Action Against Hunger (ACF), an international humanitarian organization, is helping women in Sindh, Pakistan become self-sufficient by teaching them how to grow saline tolerant crops. Climate…

2022 Women Building Peace Award Finalists


The Women Building Peace Award is given each year to a woman peacebuilder who has made a major contribution to preventing conflict, combatting violence and…