• Climate Strike


COP16: Empowering Women Environmental Defenders

Nov 7, 2024 | Sociedad Peruana de Derecho Ambiental
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Women Defenders in the Amazon Region

Eighty-five percent of the 196 murders of environmental defenders recorded internationally in 2023 occurred in Latin America, according to Global Witness’ latest report on the situation of human rights defenders worldwide. However, the number of people killed for defending their territories – and their biodiversity – could be higher. Human rights defenders carry out crucial work for the protection of Amazonian territories, but their lives are in constant danger. This risk is greater for women, who are more vulnerable due to their status as defenders and women.

Side Event at the COP16

On 23 October, the side event “Empowering women environmental defenders: gendered territorial strategies from Latin America relevant to the monitoring of the Global Biodiversity Framework” sought dialogue on the disproportionate impact of biodiversity loss on women in local communities, and addressed the importance of gender indicators for equitable accountability.

Indigenous women leaders and experts from Peru, Guatemala, Ecuador and Argentina shared their experiences, as well as the challenges and threats faced by women defending nature and the rights of their communities.

‘In the Indigenous territories, we learn from our grandfathers and grandmothers, who teach us the value and importance of all diversity,’ said Josefina Tunki, an Indigenous leader from Ecuador. This is why their organisations are promoting the protection of their territories and the resources found there, despite the threats they face for this work, she stated.