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Call for Abstracts for Presentations at Conference on “Environmental Governance for Peace in Colombia” (Deadline: 2020-12-31)

Nov 30, 2020 | Environmental Law Institute, Global Green Growth Institute, Environmental Peacebuilding Association, UNDP, Externado de Colombia University, and Duke University’s Center for International and Global Studies and Nicholas School of the Environment
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Abstracts are sought for presentations and posters to be delivered at a conference and policy dialogue on “Environmental Governance for Peace in Colombia.” This event will be convened by the Environmental Law Institute, the Global Green Growth Institute, the Environmental Peacebuilding Association, the UN Development Programme, Externado de Colombia University, and Duke University’s Center for International and Global Studies and the Nicholas School of the Environment, with the support of the Swedish Postcode Foundation. The event will be held virtually from March 18-19, 2021, in English and Spanish.

This conference and policy dialogue will examine ways to improve environmental governance and legality of natural resource management to support peace in Colombia.  The conference and policy dialogue will focus on four overarching sets of questions:

(1)   In the context of natural resources and peace in Colombia, what do legality and environmental rule of law mean? How can legal regimes protect both the environment and communities?

(2)   What laws, institutions, and practices are working, and which need to be revised?  How?

(3)   What are the priority next steps for managing Colombia’s natural resources to support the transition to peace?

(4)   What has been done in Colombia to use natural capital as an instrument for peacebuilding? What has been achieved, what have we learned, and how can this be leveraged?

Participants will explore these themes through four main tracks:

(1) Land and forests;

(2) Extractives (oil, gas, and minerals);

(3) Climate change; and

(4) Justice/environmental rule of law.

At the end of the first day (March 18), there will be a poster session and a networking session during which attendees can have a drink and chat informally with others in smaller groups or even bilaterally using the Remo platform. Simultaneous interpretation is anticipated for most, if not all, sessions. Most sessions will be 90 minutes long. The conference organizers are exploring the possibility of publishing a collection of the papers and posters presented at the conference in an edited book.

To submit an abstract, please fill out the form available at: 


Submissions should include (1) the name(s), title(s), and institutional affiliation(s) of the author(s); (2) a proposed title of the presentation or poster; (3) a summary of no more than 250 words; (4) an indication of the preferred theme(s) for where the presentation/poster (or whether it is “other”); and (5) an indication of whether the abstract is for a presentation, poster, or either.

Please address questions to conference@environmentalpeacebuilding.org.

The deadline for priority submissions is December 31, 2020. The Conference Scientific Committee will review the submissions on a rolling basis.

For up to date information about this conference, please visit our conference website at  https://www.environmentalpeacebuilding.org/conferences/environmental-governance-for-peace-in-colombia/