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Senior Consultant – Drafting of Statistical Guidelines on Gender-Environment Surveys

Jun 20, 2022 | UN Women
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To support member states in coping with, and recovering from crises, through evidence-based decision-making, UN Women’s Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific is implementing the programme “Building Back Better”, with the generous support from the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. The programme supports countries to generate gender data to measure the impact of crises and the resilience of women and men in the Pacific and South-East Asia. It also supports evidence-based decision making to ensure policy responses to crises are gender-responsive. In this regard, the programme is supporting the roll out of gender and environment/resilience surveys in countries in the Pacific. These surveys utilize methodology recently developed by UN Women under the Making Every Woman and Girl Count programme.

To support member states in implementing the 2030 Agenda, UN Women’s Flagship Programme Initiative, “Making Every Woman and Girl Count (MEWG)” aims to affect a radical shift in the availability, accessibility and use of data and statistics on key aspects of gender equality and women’s empowerment. The Asia-Pacific regional component of the MEWG Programme encompasses a multi-year and multi-country programme of work with particular focus on implementing and supporting regional and country-specific activities in Asia and the Pacific. This includes work in the three inter-related key areas: (1) Building a supportive policy and institutional environment for the localization and effective monitoring of the SDGs; (2)Increasing the quality, comparability and regularity of gender statistics to address national data gaps and meet reporting commitments under the SDGs; and (3) Ensuring that gender statistics are accessible to users in governments, civil society, academia and the private sector, to strengthen adequate demand for their production.

Within the context of implementing both these programmes in Asia and the Pacific, and with the ultimate goal of making the methodology on measuring the gender-environment nexus more suitable for gender analysis, UN Women is looking to hire a senior consultant who will contribute to the development of guidelines for the implementation of gender-environment surveys, utilizing UN Women’s Model Questionnaire on Gender and the environment. These guidelines are meant to support countries interested in implementing specialized household surveys on gender and the environment to enhance the quality, availability and use of gender-environment statistics.

Duties and Responsibilities
  • Produce a draft set of guidelines on implementing the model questionnaire on gender and the environment, including metadata for calculating 100 gender-environment indicators. In close coordination with the gender statistics team, making use of existing draft materials, and in line with international statistical standards and classifications, draft a set of guidelines that:
    • Provide guidance for implementation of the Model Questionnaire on Gender and the Environment, including guidance on survey design, training and field operations, including quality assurance.
    • Include metadata for the calculation of 100 gender-environment indicators utilizing survey data. The structure of the metadata will align with that of the SDG metadata repository. The definitions, concepts and classifications must align with international statistical standards on environment statistics and internationally agreed indicators
    • Provide advice and examples for data tabulation, including an exhaustive annex with suggested tables.
  • Analyse existing gender-environment data and generate a draft survey report for one country.  
    • Utilizing microdata from one country in Asia, conduct analysis of microdata from a nationally representative gender-environment survey, to generate as many as the 100 gender indicators as possible.
    • Draft a survey report, which must include:
      • Introduction
      • Description of survey operations
      • Description of findings, by module, including at least one graph per indicator, with the necessary disaggregations.
      • Conclusions and recommendations
      • Annexes, including all data tables