




Colombia: Land Titling Advances in Colombia

Colombia's Minister of Agriculture, Cecilia Lopez, confirmed that her Ministry will close this year with one million hectares titled to promote agrarian reform.

Indonesia: Ministry Seeks Gender-Responsive Climate Change Policies

Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (PPPA) is seeking to make policies related to climate change gender-responsive.

Liberia: Call to Strengthen Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land

In commemoration of the 10th Anniversary of the Voluntary Guidelines for responsible Governance of land tenure (VGGT), Liberia has held a National Dialogue as participants…

My Land: Rural Women's Struggle

As the strains of a typical Colombian vallenato play in the background, Yimis Severiche Montes holds up the title deed from the National Land Agency…

Liberia: Liberian Senate Raises Concerns over Mining Sector amid Widespread Illicit Activities

The Liberian Senate is seeking information from the Ministry of Mines and Energy regarding the operation of the small to medium-scale mining sub-sector. This is…

Guatemala: Guatemalan Women Reinvent Agrobusiness

Doris* feels strongly about women being able to earn a living. She is president of one of the savings and credit groups in Chamaiq — a…

Indigenous Women as Frontline Defenders in the Fight Against Climate Change

Although Indigenous communities comprise less than 5 percent of the world’s population, Indigenous peoples safeguard 80 percent of the planet's biodiversity. Indigenous lands are also crucial…

Qatar: Climate Change, Gender Equality in Spotlight at Doha Women Forum

Climate change, sports and gender equality was the focus area for the first part of the fifth edition of the Doha Women Forum held recently.

Kyrgyzstan/Tajikistan: Escalating Conflict on the Kyrgyz-Tajik Border: Whither the Regional Security Order?

While the world is following the dissolution of Russian imperialism along Ukrainian frontlines, the existing status quo might be shaken up in other corners, too.…

Women Are Leading the Restoration of the World's Second Largest Tropical Rainforest

The Congo Rainforest in Africa is the second largest tropical rainforest in the world – but it could be completely gone within 80 years because…

Colombia: In Colombia, UN Women Executive Director Galvanizes Action for Women’s Leadership and Gender Equality

UN Women Executive Director Sima Bahous conducted a three-day mission in Colombia, where she met with government officials, civil society groups, and partners. The purpose…

Bangladesh: Cash Grants and Training Empower Women in the Face of Climate Change

Faced with land erosion, rising seas and frequent cyclones, islanders in Kutubdia and Moheskhali need continued support from the World Food Programme.

Liberia: ActionAid Liberia, Partners Launch Project for over 3000 Women

Ahead of the 2023 presidential and legislative elections, ActionAid Liberia with funding from the United Nations Peacebuilding Fund (UNBPF) a project named 'Strengthening the Agency…

Kenya: 'The Conflict Takes Two Forms': How Worsening Droughts Are Fuelling Tensions in Kenya

The Executive Vice-President of the EU Commission has often warned that “our children will be waging wars over water and food if we do not…

Experts of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women Commend Türkiye on Legislation on Gender-Based Violence, Ask Questions about the State Party’s Withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention and Early Marriage


Ukraine/Russia: Putin Admits Ukraine Invasion Is an Imperial War to “Return” Russian Land

Throughout the past few months, Vladimir Putin has offered up all manner of outlandish excuses for his invasion of Ukraine. At various different times he…

Lebanon: Lebanon Urges US Envoy to End Maritime Dispute with Israel

The Lebanese government invited on Monday a U.S. envoy mediating between Lebanon and Israel over their disputed maritime border to return to Beirut as soon…

Women Stand More Risk to Effects of Deforestation, Land Degradation, Drought, New UNCCD Study Reveals

A new study titled “Differentiated Impacts of Desertification, Land Degradation and Drought on Women and Men” released this week at  COP15 by the United Nations Convention to Combat Deforestation…

Ukraine/Russia: The Russian Army Has Burned Forests and Poisoned Water Supplies, Flouting International Law. As the UN Draws up New Guidelines, Is It Possible to Wage an “Eco” War?

The purple shoots of spring meadow saffron are usually a welcome sign of spring in Ukraine. This year the rare flowers lie crushed, destroyed by…

US: ‘I Feel Angry and Incredibly Motivated’: US Abortion Providers Consider Options for Fighting Back

Doctors around the country are anticipating the struggles of patients and providers after the likely fall of Roe v Wade: ‘We’ve been planning for it’.

Afghanistan: Nearly 400 Jawzjan Women Self-Reliant in Mushroom Farming

A number of women in northern Jawzjan province, who have become self-reliant in cultivation of mushrooms, have called on the government to train them.

South Sudan: Women in Malakal Lobby for Equal Rights to Own Land and Participate in Governance

“We have been neglected and denied our rights for too long,” said Achol Nyibong, a women’s representative from Malakal, Upper Nile State, South Sudan. “Our…

Myanmar: Yangon Suffers Water Shortages amid Rolling Blackouts in Myanmar

Yangon residents have been hit by water shortage as daily power outages disrupt lives across Myanmar.

Women are Breaking Barriers and Protecting the Environment in Somalia

Women continue to play an important role in peacebuilding processes in Somalia. Their ability to cross inter-communal boundaries and unite people from different clans gives…

Photos: World Rallies for Women’s Day under Ukraine War Shadow

Rallies held for International Women’s Day as protesters in Europe urge solidarity with war-torn Ukraine.

Sudan/South Sudan/Abyei: Official Says 27 Killed in Attack in Disputed Abyei Region

A local official says at least 27 people were killed and four others wounded in an attack in the Abyei region that’s disputed between South…

South Korea: South Korea’s Poisonous Gender Politics a Test for Next President

The identity of South Korea’s next leader will be determined this week by the economy, housing prices and incomes, but the road to the presidential…

Perils of Peacebuilding: Gender-Blindness, Climate Change and Ceasefire Capitalism in Colombia and Myanmar (chapter in "Feminist Conversations on Peace")

Briefs & Development
Peacebuilding requires a complex set of operations and transformations that address root causes of conflict, repairs victims and creates trust – all of which are…

Advancing Gender Equality and Climate Action: A Practical Guide to Setting Targets and Monitoring Progress

Briefs & Development
Gender inequalities shape people’s vulnerabilities to climate change. Women have less access to the development services and support – such as adequate healthcare, education and…

Climate Change, Conflict and Internal Displacement in Afghanistan: 'We Are Struggling to Survive'

Briefs & Development
Afghanistan faces one of the world’s most complex crises. Recurring cycles of conflict, violence and natural hazard-related disasters – often exacerbated by climate change –…